Too many preconceived notions exist regarding what many people think couples therapy is. These preconceived notions may give you an indication that finding a therapist is your last resort. You may think it isn’t going to solve anything and it will only turn out to be pointing out one another’s flaws. 

What too many individuals don’t realize is that relationship counseling is a beneficial endeavor even if you aren’t having relationship problems. It is a safe and qualified way to work through issues and learn how to communicate with one another. What you see in the media is not what couples therapy really is. 

If you and your partner have been considering a couples therapy session, let’s walk through what you can expect from your first appointment. Here are some things that will take place when you meet your therapist for the first time. 

A Meeting Together

While you may both contact them separately so that they can get to know you on an individual level, your first meeting will be together. Your therapist will be waiting to hear about you two as a unit. They will ask the basic questions about how you met and what your current situation is. 

Your therapist wants to be an asset to you both, to help you find a way to repair any damage that may have occurred to your relationship. Your brief intro and insight will give them vital information in helping you both find the best way to communicate with one another. 

Opening Up Is the Goal

One of the biggest goals within your session will be to open up to one another again. You will talk and learn how to really share and express yourself again. You and your partner should be focused on getting your communication back and not being afraid to speak out with each other.

During your sessions, your therapist will work on a guide that helps you to find common ground again. They are there to be a support system and an unbiased party in your struggles. Be sure your therapist is one that you feel you can communicate with openly and freely. 

A Like-Minded Goal

The overall point of attending therapy sessions needs to be in focus. If you’re having marriage problems, it is okay to not know what you both want out of your therapy sessions. Therapy can help to find a common ground and learn if your relationship can be repaired, or if it is time to settle your relationship in a way that is beneficial for both parties. 

Your therapist will help you through their processes to find the goal both parties should consider. 

Couples Therapy Is a Positive Choice

If you feel your relationship will benefit positively from a couples therapy session, it’s time to have that discussion. Meet with your therapist and get some clarity over what can make your partnership stronger. Both parties will benefit and heal from any past discrepancies. 

When you’re ready to put your relationship first and remember why you fell in love, contact us. We’d be happy to help you get started learning how to communicate with one another again. 

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