We all know education is essential for children. They learn core subjects they will use daily as adults, such as reading, writing, and math. While school is enjoyable for some children, others may struggle. If you’re noticing this problem with your child, there’s a chance they may have a learning disability.

Learning disorders in children are more common than we think. In fact, 1 in 5 children has a learning disability. It’s still integral for parents to know the signs of a learning disability and contact a child therapist when needed. Here are the symptoms of learning disabilities in children starting from pre-school all the way to their teenage years.

Language Delays

This is a common symptom among preschool-aged children. By around two years old, your child should be able to speak in sentences or short phrases. If your child is still struggling to communicate, your child may have special needs. It’s best to ask for guidance from a professional. Language delays are more than a social problem; if these problems persist, your child may also struggle to read and write once they’re older.

Can’t Understand Instructions

Is your child unable to follow instructions? These can be instructions at home and in school. They may also struggle to focus and stay organized.

Parents and teachers misinterpret this symptom, thinking the child is disinterested and isn’t following instructions on purpose. In reality, this may be a symptom of an underlying learning disability or a larger problem, such as ADHD.

If you notice your child struggles to follow instructions, we encourage you not to instantly punish them. Instead, consider seeking out child therapy to get a proper evaluation. You can receive support and insight into what the source of the issue may be.

Trouble Learning Basic Things

Once a child reaches a certain age, they will learn basic things such as shapes and colors. Once they grow older, they will learn their numbers and letters.

Is your child struggling to learn and absorb these lessons? If so, it’s important to speak to your pediatrician about your concerns. They may also struggle to concentrate or follow instructions. Maybe your child knows the information but can’t express them; for example, they know what a circle is, but can’t draw one.

Doesn’t Excel in Certain Subjects

A learning disability may be hard to diagnose if your child excels in some subjects but fails in others. For example, your child may be an exceptional math student but will have trouble reading or spelling. In this case, your child may have a specific learning disability, such as dyslexia.

You Can Help Learning Disabilities in Children

Learning disabilities in children may be hard to diagnose, but you can treat any LD. While parents and teachers will have to work together with these students, your child can go on to live a prosperous life—even with a learning disability.

Where can parents start? Testing and evaluation are key to understanding your child’s learning problems. But first, you need to find a great clinic.

Our clinic offers psychological testing, including autism and ADHD testing. We also offer child and teen therapy so you can parent and child support. We’re based in San Jose, CA, and offer online therapy services.

Book a free consultation with us today.

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